Yesterday when I heard President Obama's response to Korea launching a nuclear missile, I couldn't help by think, "we are picking this up in the middle." Obama spoke about holding Korea accountable for not following the
rules. What are these rules? Rules that say we, the United States, are the only country who has the right to exact military aggression throughout the world?
((continued below)

Earth Day is April 22nd. Perhaps you should give this some thought.
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The rhetoric is that countries like Korea and Iran are run by megalomaniac tyrants who want nuclear weapons because they are bent on world domination. Excuse me? We are speaking about two countries who have had skirmishes with their direct neighbors while it is the United States that has extended the force of our military throughout the world, under false pretenses. In Iraq we chased after WMDs that didn't exist. In Afghanistan, we chased after Bin Laden, who was a direct threat to us. Bin Laden seems to be out of the picture and now our military aggression has expanded to Pakistan, all in the name of "regime change", to spread our benevolent (puhleese) democracy.
If you were Iran or Korea, or any other country in the Middle East, could you really look at our military aggression and not see it as
imperialistic in nature? If you were Iran or Korea with militaries tenth the size of our military, wouldn't you want a nuclear weapon to leverage in the saber rattling that global affairs have become?
Watching America is web site that samples news agencies from around the world. Take a look at it and you will see that we are not the benevolent giant that our leaders would want us to believe.
I'm not saying that the acquisition of any nuclear weapons by any country is a good thing and that we should sit back and let it happen, but perhaps if we were to pull back on our military aggression in the world and eliminate all of our nuclear stockpile, we might be in a better position to leverage influence against countries like Korea from getting them. After all, since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of Nuclear Detente why do we need nuclear weapons. It's a zero sum game. If a country like Korea or Iran launched an nuclear attack, what would we do? Launch a retaliatory
strike that would wreak devastation on the surrounding countries, which in the case of Korea would be China. Imagine what kind of situation that would throw us in.
I am glad that after his initial knee-jerk reaction, Obama indicated a need for a test ban treaty. However, how effectual can that be if we aren't willing to lay down our arms. It's like the U.S. is the biggest bully in the neighborhood and we have Korea's shirt bunched in our hand and our other fist cocked and we demand that they unclench their fists. Until, we are willing to unclench our own fist and release our grip, can we expect anyone on this planet to take this serious?
I work with gang-bangers and our behavior in the world reminds me of their
twisted sense of respect, which is ill gotten by threat. What further bothers me is that though Obama has proselytized d being the President of change, he surrounds himself with people who's agenda in the global arena is the same as the past. Many of
those close to Obama and have his ear, have long ties with the Bilderberg Group and the Tri-lateral Commission. (see Bush driven Neo-Con New World Order is still alive and kicking in this administration.
We have a president who professes to be a President of the people. I encourage everyone to log on to and in the upper right corner of the screen click on
Contact and tell the President it's time for a less agressive America in the world.
Or I will send you one free if you show me you have donated (time or money) to any Earth advocacy/activism group.