Last night I heard the CEO of GM, Fritz Henderson say that they “need to balance the balance sheets”, so 3,000 people are going to loose their jobs.
What did we give GM money for?
In this economy loosing one's job means, loosing one’s home, cars, perhaps the splitting up of families as they are dispersed to whomever can care for them; or for some it will be homelessness, or even death. And we sit here and say, “Oh, okay. That’s the way it is.” and go on Twiittering and Facebooking about buying pastries or deciding whether to go out or Tivo tonight.”
“Balancing the sheets” is corpo-speak for paying off the investors.
We have come to the point where money counts for more than the quality of human life, or even life itself. We accept that because the investor gave money that they are more deserving than those who have given commitment and time.
Bunk! Your job is not a risk venture.
But that is what GM has done! Turned jobs into a risk venture by making workers suffer a higher risk than the investors. Let the investors take the hit, not the workers. They knew and even considered the risks when they gave up money in hopes of making a more money without effort. A promise of return based on a façade of credit derived from an economy of aggregate (non-existent) currency and fractional loaning. Have you ever considered taking a job to be a risk venture? No! You trade your time and skills in return for money. The investors are the ones who took knowing took on a venture involving risk, managed on a shaky paradigm of greed pandering to a false consumer ideology. And they did it smugly knowing that people they would never meet or face might have to pay the price of abject hardship because they took too much risk.
And why should we just sit back and say this is the way it is.
In case you have been living in a cave for the last nine months, we have bailed out those investors; not only with our current tax dollars, but with our future economy.
So, it’s in our right to stand up and say
“No don’t let GM off the hook. Let the risk-venture capitalists suffer the risk they paid lip service to. It’s our money and it’s our future. Let those who put in an honest day’s work off the hook. Let those who take risks, bear the costs of their risks.” Contact your
representative and the
President and tell him you are
informed and will not stand this.
Are we a nation of cash flow or people?
What is more important to you?
Money or the quality of life for 3,000 people.? Think about it and answer as if you had to sit with one of those 3,000 people and their families and tell them this is the way it is. Don’t answer lightly just because you are spared that confrontation, as, apparently Fritz Henderson is spared.
You can go back to Twittering now.