Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Perfect Storm...

...for the influentually wealthy

What we have is a perfect storm for big business and banks to get a stranglehold on our economy and wealth. Except that as a former corporate banker (1st Chicago-Bank1-Chase) we could see this storm brewing for at least the past decade.

It's real simple.

Unemployment will drive down wages. Big business and banks have little risk with the government pumping bailout money into the banks. With everyone unemployed only big business will be able to use that money for loans. Also, with The Federal Reserve creating currency at the whim of the extremely influental wealthy so the government can pump more into the banks, they are creating inflation, so even though there is unemployment, prices will not go down. What with most everyithing we purchase distributed by big business, there will be no reason to drop prices.

NPR reports current college grads are looking ath $28.000/year jobs. I remember a discussion with several of my banker friends (from when I worked in a corporate bank) wondering how people could live on wages less than $38.000/year. That was over eight years ago and the CPI (Consumer Price Index) has been increasing by and averate of 3.5% per year. However, wages have been on a steady decline

If you don't think as I do, that this is orchestrated by a small perecentage of like-minded and very influential people and that this has happened completely due to circumstances, then you have a Perfect Storm of Circumstances

Yah, right

Time to get aware and then contact your Legislator and tell them to vote yes on H.R. 833 (Abolish the Board of Directors for The Fed) and H.R. 1207 to Audit and End The Fed.

I am not the only one to see this

This is not just the ramblings of a pissed-off pudgy middle aged guy Alternetjust posted a similar story today

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